“Vem” Panarmenian Journal was founded in Paris in 1933 by Simon Vratsyan, the last Prime Minister of the first Republic of Armenia. The main goal of the journal was to bring together the best Armenian scientists denying Bolshevik bounds after the sovietization. Among them was the greatest historian of the 20th century Nicholas Adonts – former professor at St. Petersburg University. In 1933-1939 the journal was called “Vem. bimonthly journal of culture and history” with the motto of Simon Vratsyan, its founder, which one can still find on the first page of “Vem”: “Vem’s guidelines are going to be objectification and scientific truth, only the truth, the whole truth, as we are convinced that even the most bitter truth is more useful than a golden and sweet lie”. Though becoming a scientific edition of European level, “Vem” was issued very short of time, because of the difficulties that arose in France conditioned during the Second World War, thus the editor was forced to stop the work in 1939. In subsequent decades, being a unique criterion of science for the researchers, “Vem” was banned in the Soviet Union for political reasons until the collapse of USSR; therefore it was copied and distributed secretly by closed-end funds. In 2009, after Armenia gained independence, the followers of scientific ideas of the prime minister Simon Vratsyan and prominent historian Nicholas Adontz decided to resume the publication of “Vem” in Yerevan, resuming the title and publishing it as “Vem: Pan-Armenian journal”. The purpose of the amendment was the convergence of free Armenian Diaspora and post-soviet Armenia on new theoretical and methodological basis of the study of humanities and social sciences. Since 2009 the journal is published with some structural modifications. Before 1939 it included 8 sections/headings, after – 15. “Vem: Pan-Armenian journal” is of multidisciplinary nature – history, linguistics, literary criticism, philosophy, culture and so on. Post-Marx world scientific achievements are presented under “Cornerstones” section, and their application is presented through “Memory” and “Scientific-Practic” sections. Scientific researches are presented through “Reviews” and “News”. All the articles included in the journal are being reviewed. The staff consists of Chief Editor – Gevorg S. Khoudinyan (Yerevan), editor – Rubina B. Pirumyan (Los Angeles) and the Editorial Board, comprising leading professionals from different countries (USA, Lebanon, Greece, Armenia).