Zhenya Kalantaryan, Literary criticism as Practical Literary Studies: Textbook. YSU: YSU Publishing House, 2017. 209 p – 2017-4


Tigran S. Simyan

Key words – textbook, paradigm of education, change of paradigm, change of educational paradigm, Armenian-writing textbook of theory of literature, theory of literature, literary criticism, introduction to literary studies.

The purpose of the annotation is to comprehend and evaluate in diachrony the training manual „Literary Criticism as Practical Literary Studies“ by Zhenya Kalantaryan in the context of the Armenian-language discourse of textbooks of the Soviet and postSoviet period, as well as to show the novelty and innovation of this publication. A brief overview of Armenian-language textbooks at the „Literature Theory“ course or „Introduction to Literary Sdudies“ showed that textbooks of the Soviet era were politicized, often the prblematics were dictated „from above“. In the 1990‘s. these textbooks were confirmed by the Revision. After the collapse of the USSR, Zaven Avetisyan and David / Mher Gasparyan were presented in their textbooks teaching aids in a context of the course „Introduction to Literary Studies“ in a much new way, visualized, structured and apolitical (but fast with the same problems). 2016 in the collective textbook „Contemporary problems of the Theory of Literature“, in comparison with the previous experience, metalanguage concepts were presented much more “hot” („Basic concepts of narratology“), etc. Study book of Zhenya Kalantaryan „Literary Criticism as Practical Literary Studies“is, according to the author of the annotation, one of the important events in the Armenian-language discourse of teaching aids, since the problematics and metalanguage of Literary Criticism are presented in a much “hot” way. Such a toolkit creates all the comfort to provide young scientists and students with new opportunities for a more innovative, strategically correct and systematic analysis of artistic texts. In addition, the composition of the textbook Zh. Kalantaryan is presented in the review, as well as the relationship between the part and the whole, the composition and the title of the textbook.

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