
Ashot N. Hayruni

Key words – Karen Jeppe; Urha; Aleppo; Genocide (Mets Yeghern) ; League of Nations; Johannes Lepsius; German Eastern Mission; liberation of the kidnapped Armenians

For the first time the present article fully covers the pro-Armenian activity of the great humanist, a Danish missionary Karen Jeppe. The activity started in 1903 and was spread in various directions: solicitude for orphans and widows, support to deported Armenians during the Genocide, liberation of Armenian children and women captivated in Muslim homes and harems, provision of material and moral support to thousands of Armenian refugees gathered in Aleppo, as well as a creation of new settlements in Syria for refugees and liberated Armenians and so on. Jeppe dedicated her entire life to the rescue efforts, which had invaluable significance for the salvation of thousands of Armenians. The salvation included an entire range of work including medical care, education, and upbringing. Jeppe gave great importance to the fact that liberated Armenians could live independently and at the same time have a worthy place in the Armenian national-collective life. Therefore, she created all possible conditions for them to receive not only targeted education and upbringing but also to obtain some specialization. The article, which for the first time puts into scientific circulation many valuable sources simultaneously provides important information about other people and organizations that contributed to rescue activities undertaken by Jeppe.

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