A comparison of some theological aspects
Seda T. Tigranyan
In the Middle Ages, religion was the dominant form of social consciousness and ideological system. Historically significant social and political movements were usually accompanied by new ideological and religious manifestations – sometimes bringing forth conservative ideas to purify religion from innovations, yet sometimes attempting to adapt religious provisions to the requirements of the time. This is also true for Islam and the history of Islamic countries. For example, at various times religious and political movements, currents and radical groups called for the purification of Islam driven by political and social reasons. Some of them had widely used and currently apply the ideas of Sunni Islamic scholar, theologian Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328). The wide application of Ibn Taymiyyah’s ideas and the various references to his works lead to disagreements and conflicting interpretations of his ideas. Opinions about his personality also vary – from a pious Muslim, an eminent scientist to a madman. Even so his views, ideas, in general, had a huge impact not only on the consciousness of his contemporaries, but also on the next generations.