The legend of “late albains”

Henrik S. Svazyan
The state of «Azerbaijan» appeared on the historic arena only on 1918. During existence of the USSR the heirs of the Caucasian Tatars got artificial name «Azerbaijanin» on that «basis». As a result of the illegal decision (July 5, 1921) of the Caucasian Bureau RC(B)P, Mountainous Karabakh was forcibly annexed to Soviet Azerbaijan. It was a political pretext of treating the ancient and medieval history of the Great Armenia’s regions of Artsakh and Utik as a target for attacks by the «Azerbaijani» falsificators of history. As far as it had been impossible to find a «historic justification» for the annexation of the Armenian territories by comparison with Armenia and Armenian centuriesold history, thus the historians of Soviet Azerbaijan, following the «experience» of Cemalist Turkey, started to appropriate the history of proper Aluank and the Albanian tribes which disappeared from the historic arena after the 8th century.

After Azerbaijan became independent, notoriuos Azerbaijani falsificator F.Mamedova published a monography «Caucasian Albania and Albanians» (Baku, 2005, in Russian) where she continued and deepened this falsifying shrewdness. F.Mamedova, through absolute falsification of historic data, called the Armenian population of Utik and Artsakh, which ethnically had no relation to the Albanian tribes, by the artificial term «late Albanians» and tried to prolong the latter’s history up to 19th century. Such an approach is besically contrudictory not only to the data of the Armenian, but also Arabic (Ibn al-Asir, al-Dinavari, Yakubi, Tabari and others), Byzantine (Constantine Porphyrogenitus) and other sources.

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