“Goris-2010: the Annual Year of the Absurd Theatre”: the Political Drivel of Razik Mehtiyev, the President Recruitment Manager of Azerbaijan


Babken H. Harutyunyan
The RA president Serj Sargsyan gave a speech in front of the Diaspora correspondents on October 16 of this year, making an appeal to bring the true Press to the attention of the world society. His speech evoked a state of rage in the authority circles of Azerbaijan, and on October 29, R. Mehtiyev, the president recruitment manager of Azerbaijan, came up with an article, not only trying to take under suspicion and to deny the theses of the RA president’s speech, but also the achievements of the Armenian historiographical mind.

In the present article, on the factual material it is being shown that in the person of R. Mehtiyev the Azerbaijanian historiography, while examining the Armenian issues, makes falsification and leads a policy of artificially falsifying the simplest issues.

In the article such questions are being examined as the problems of the Azerbaijani being new-comers and formation time questions, the impossibility and drivel of the Caucasian Albans being the ancestors of the Azerbaijani, Strabon’s and other authors’ deliberate information falsification by R. Mehtiyev, the emergence of the geographical and governmental region name “Azerbaijan” from the Iranian Atur-Patakan, the problem of the Turkish falsifications of the Armenian place-names of the Eastern Armenia caused because of the Muslim bends, Vararakn village’s preceding the Khanqyand barracks and residence, the genocide committed by the ancestors of the Azerbaijani, the Ghzlbash tribes, in the Eastern Armenian at the beginning of the XVII century, the emigration of the Armenians forced by the Christian states in the second half of the XVIII century and in the first 30 years of the XIX century, the fact of Nagorno Karabakh being a part of the historical Armenia, the place-name Ejmiatsin having no connection with the “Uch-Muazin” invention, the circumstance of giving Ejmiatsin the name “Uch-qilisa”, the real picture of the Persian Armenians after the 1826-1828 Russian-Persian War, the real picture of the Nagorno Karabakh population in the XVIII century and at the beginning of the XIX century, the NKAO demographical problems, the so-called “Genocide of Khojalu”, the legitimacy of the Armenians’ self-determination of Nagorno Karabakh.

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