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To the 100 anniversary of its adoption


Ararat M. Hakobyan

Key words – Mets Hayk, statehood, act, independence, “28th of May”, “United Armenia”, delegation, memorandum, congress, Pogos Nubar, V. Tekeyan, A. Aharonyan, Paris assembly, Versailles, “10th of August”, treaty of Sevres, W. Wilson, Nations League, Senate, arbitral award.

On May 28 1919 – a year after the declaration of Armenia’s independence, a historical opportunity for the idea of uniting the Homeland and nation for creating United and Independent Armenia had emerged.

Till then, May heroic battles had given us the opportunity to solve two problems: a) to save the Eastern Armenians and Western Armenian refugees who had found shelter in Eastern Armenia and b) to make the Turks recognize Armenia’s independence on a small native land.

Therefore the declaration of Armenia’s independence had to become the basis for initiating the steps for fulfilling the main aim of creating United Armenia. The very existence of the Republic under the land name of “Armenia” in itself supposed that despite the extreme narrowness of its territory in case of favorable political conditions it would claim to land acquisition and completion.

After the end of the First World War the main issue of the foreign policy of RA was the comprehensive solution of the Armenian Question through the unification of the two main parts of Armenia.

During the session on December 5, 1918 the Armenian government decided to send a delegation to Europe for presenting the Armenian demands. After sending the delegation to Europe the next step of the Republic of Armenia was the official announcement concerning the United Armenia.

Until then for the purpose of accomplishing the political aspirations and programs of the Armenian nation and giving it an official outlook on February 6-13, 1919 the 2nd (B) congress of the Western Armenians was held in Yerevan with the participation of 55 delegates chosen from 223.630 Western Armenian refugees living in RA, as well as, other charity organizations. Here the idea of creating one united state through unification of the Eastern and Western Armenian parts was developed. Then, since February 24 up to April 22 The First (A) Armenian (Western Armenian) Congress was held. 

On April 27, 1919 the Armenian council adopted a law about ceasing its works for a month and transmiting the rights of the parliament to the government. And on the last days of monthly terms of legislative authority given to the government of Armenia by the parliament two important laws were adopted: one of them was adopted on May 26 “About the United and Independent Armenia” while on the next day – on May 27 another one deriving from the former , i.e. ”On Replenishment of the Council of Armenia” was adopted. On May 28, 1919 – on the anniversary of the declaration of the independence of Armenia by relying on the 3rd provision of the law adopted on May 27 a solemn session of parliament and government was conveyed in the hall of the council of Armenia in which the acting president of the government Al. Khatisyan read the official declaration about the unification of Armenia. It was published under the title of “The Act of Declaration of the Independence of the United Armenia”.


Some problems and their possible solutions


Gevorg G. Hakobyan

Key words – democracy, authoritarianism, governor, power, dictatorship, freedom, justice, truth, happiness, control, anarchistic attitude, antipod of truth, distribution of goods, democratic society.

The article presents a number of principled deficiencies in democracy related to justice and truth. The author agrees beforehand that, despite the fundamental shortcomings of democracy, it has been and remains the best form of organizing and managing the society. In this article the auther attempts to find the means and ways by which it is possible to neutralize the deficiencies of democracy. Those means are anarchistic mentality and the demanding position of the members of the democratic society.

Rodney Dakessian, The legal effects of mass murder of Armenians in 1915 and their possible ways of judicial and extra-judicial resolution, Yerevan, “PRINTINFO”, 2015, 416 page. – 2016-2


Armen Ts. Marukyan

Keywords – Armenian Genocide, the Treaty of Sèvres, codify, issue of compensation, International Court of Justice, the resolution for clemency, experiments

On the eve and during the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, doctoral thesis of the lawyer R. Dakessian on the legal basis of overcoming the consequences of the crime, which he defended in Lyon, was published as a book in the Armenian language in Armenia.

Dakessian’s work is mainly based on the writings of Western thinkers in the field of law, and it almost fully ignored Armenian sources. As to the works of the international lawyer and specialist in international law Yu. Barsegov, the author has completely ignored his contribution to this issue. Such a unilateral choice of authors and sources caused not only conflicting opinions and views in Dakessian’s work, but also led to the actual and conceptual mistakes.

The publication of Dakessian’s work is a signal that on the eve of the 100th anniversary of Armenian Genocide, though taking Pan-Armenian Declaration and creating a special committee of lawyers to overcome the consequences of the Genocide, the Republic of Armenia, nevertheless, does not systemize the work in this direction to create a common approach and to prevent such kind of initiative. Of course, we do not approve censorship, but we must be aware of the fact that the legal issue of the Armenian Genocide is not an ordinary academic question. This is very important not only for the Republic of Armenia, but it is a matter of national security for all Armenians hence similar experiments on this matter are not only unacceptable, but also should be condemned.


On 100 anniversary of his death


Ervand G. Pambukian (Beirut)

Key words – Rostom, ARF Central archive, coding, Bureaus, rough copies, rebellion of Sasun of 1904, assassination attempt on Hamid, Tiflis, Van, Kars, Baku, Batum, Constantinople, Cilicia.

In the Central archive of ARF in Boston there are some voluminous copybooks of which the most important are the ones called rough copies. They include the letters sent by the Western Bureau of ARF that were addressed to the parties and leaders acting in Ottoman Turkey and tsarist Russia. Due to the instructions given by the Bureaus those letters and notes were destroyed by all means after being read as they were containing important information. Thus, only their rewritten versions called rough copies that include extremely significant information are preserved for deciphering the secret correspondence of ARF. Their subsequent number that is included in the present publication in entitled “Western Bureau-rough copies of secret letters written in ink, May, 1904”. It includes two letters written by Christopher Mikaelyan on May, 1904 addressed to Mush, i.e. Askanazyan committee and Eastern Bureau in Tiflis. Though in this copy-book there are also other letters written by other people, but they are written by Rostom who has written the other 67 letters the last of which is dated January 5, 1905.

The important part of letters written by Rostom is addressed to the Eastern Bureau in Tiflis and mainly refers to the issues concerning the rebellion of Sasun of 1904.There are also a number of notes addressed to the various bodies of the party like in Van, Kars, Baku, Constantinople, Cilicia and etc. which deal upon the political problems, as well as, with the issues on the assassination attempt on Sultan Hamid and armament and money delivery.


The military actions in Caucasus front since July, 1914 up to April 26, 1916


Ruben O. Sahakyan

Key words – Tovmas Nazarbekyan, Hovhannes Hakhverdyan, Andranik, Dro, Hamazasp, Keri, Hakob Chavriyan, VorontsovDashkov, N. Yudenich.

Up to now only the last part of Tovmas Nazarbekyan’s (Foma Nazarbekov,1855-1931 ) memoirs including the period of November, 1917 up to July of 1918 has been published: it was published in original Russian language and edited by AC of RA Hrant Avetisyan. But the first part of his valuable memoirs including the description of military-political events taking place in Russian-Turkish (Caucasus) front during World War I, namely, since  July , 1914 up to April 26, 1916, had remained unpublished .

Major-General of the Russian army and the Lieutenant- General of the Armenian army Tovmas Nazarbekyan was repressed during the Soviet years and then settled down in Tiflis living in hard material conditions. He has composed his memoirs  in 1928-1929 based on the materials kept in his private archive, as well as, on correspondence  with his  combat friends, i.e. Generals I. Hakhverdov (Hovhannes Hakhverdyan) and Movses Silikyan. Because of not having sufficient financial means he composed his memoirs  with chronological  sequence but in copy-books.

In his memoirs the General gives interesting information about the preparations of World War I, his meetings with Armenian national figures and about  the Armenian voluntary movement. He particularly recalls his relationships with Armenian 1 Voluntary group headed by Andranik and especially with the doctor Yakov Chavriev (Hakob Chavriyan).

By the given publication of the first copy-book of Tovmas Nazarbekyan’s memoirs the reader learns about the attacking actions  of the 2nd Caucasian shooting brigade that was included in the Azerbaijani detachment headed by General F. Chernozubov: it includes the period of June-December of 1914.   Before the counterattack of the Turkish army at Sarighamish   the advancement of the Azeri detachment was so successful that General F. Chernozubov ordered T. Nazarbekyan, in case of Andranik’s consent, to provide him with two mountain cannons for the raid on Van. But in connection with the battle of Sarighamish h e gets an order of retreat w hich turns into a real disaster for Armenians t hat had joined the Russian army. But even when the fact of the defeat of the Turkish army at Sarighamish became known  General Milashevski ,who had sloped from Sarighamish to Tiflis continued to give the orders of retreat.  And  only after the telegram  of H.Chavriev, who was in Azeri detachment, addressed to the viceroy of Caucasus  it came possible to get the permission for ceasing the retreat. Thus, while concluding the first part of his memoirs T. Nazarbekyan admitted that because of such unprepared attacks and aimless retreats they were losing their respect as they doomed the Christian population to  destruction.


Part two: New-found Ratifications about the Revolutionary Activity of  Abraham Dastakyan


Mkrtich D. Danielyan

Key words – “ Narodnaya Volya”, “Union of Patriots”, Abraham Dastakyan, Shushi, Tiflis, Christopher Mikaelyan,  the Center of ARF, f uneral of Grigor Artsruni, culprit, punitive measure, confidential police control.

The package of the given documents r eferring to the activity of the Armenian narodniks and national-narodnic organization of 70-80s of the 19th century passes rich information about the member of first governing body,i.e. Center or Central Board of ARF Abraham Dastakyan.

Still in early 1880s A. Dastakyan and his friends, including Chr. Mikaelyan conducted “parallel activities” in Tiflis both among the revolutionary Russian narodniks, as well as, Armenian national-narodnik organizations.  In 1883 A. Dastakyan left for Moscow  and took active participation in the works of  the organization of “Narodnaya Volya” and the center of “Youth Union”. On November 16, 1884 A. Dastakyan was arrested for being the member of this organization and was released on September 11, 1885. Afterwards  on January 22, 1886 due to the highest order he for three years underwent  an open police control in Chakatala, that is, in the place of his mother’s residence. On January 22, 1889 after the expiration of the term A. Dastakyan got m ilder punishment: he appeared under the confidential police control and was forbidden to live in capitals and in the province  of Petersburg. However, even under the control of the police A. Dastakyan continued his active political operations. He alongside with Hovh. Loru-Melikyan, Simon Zavaryan and other figures  affiliated to the left-wing of the organization of “Young Armenia” founded in 1889.  And in 1890,  in the period of Founding meetings of ARF, Dastakyan was elected as the member of its Central Board or Center.

The given published ratifications referring to the revolutionary activity of A. Dastakyan are preserved in the state archive of Russian Federation located in Moscow, in the fund 102 and are for the first time put in the scientific circulation.

Gayane Arakelyan, The Photography Art of Andranik Kochar Yer., “Tigran Mets” publishing house, 2018, 144 pages, 88 images. – 2019-1


Shushanik G. Zohrabyan (Paris)

Key words – Andranik Kochar, founder of Armenian Photography, artistic photography, master of portrait, black and white photography, architectural monuments.

In 2018, “Tigran Mets” Publishing House published an illustrated book by Gayane Arakelyan entitled “The Photographic Art of Andranik Kochar”.

The main goal of the scientific work is to sanctify the forgotten heritage of the photographic art of the great master Andranik Kochar (1919-1984) and show his significant role in the development of Armenian photography.

Gayane Arakelyan’s monograph is based on the research she has conducted for more than 10 years.

The result of this research was the PhD thesis on the art of A. Kochar, reports, numerous articles published in various newspapers and magazines: “Etchmiadzin”, “Lraber” and “Vem”. This monograph is an addition to all the above mentioned editions.

Albert Makaryan, Again with Paronyan (new reading), Yer., “Antares”, 2018, 306 p. – 2019-1


Suren D. Danielyan Knarik A. Abrahamyan

Key words – Western Armenian literature, Hakop Paronyan, satire, genre, portrait, dramaturgy, essay, novel, children’s literature, literary criticism.

Literary critic Albert Makaryan has spent a lot of time to explore the different sides of creativity of the most outstanding West Armenian writer and playwright Hakop Paronyan. А. Makaryan’s new book is continuing the progressive development of good old-fashioned subject, “with new reading” in the newest time, to which questions this article by S. Danielyan and K. Abrahamyan is devoted.


Analysis and suggestions on the occasion of 70th anniversary of adopting the document


Armen Ts. Marukyan

Key words – Ottoman Empire, Genocide of Armenians, AllArmenian declaration, overcoming consequences of genocide, UN Convention on December 9, 1948, Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice.

The all-Armenian declaration on January 29, 2015 according to which except the international recognition and condemnation also the task of overcoming consequences of the Armenian Genocide was set, again staticized a question of applicability of provisions of the UN Convention of genocide in relation to the crime committed against the Armenian people.

Still on May 28, 1951 in the Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice it was noted that under the conditions of lacking the convention the provisions specified in the Convention of the UN on genocide were obligatory for civilized countries even without conventional fixing. It follows from this that signing and entry into force of the convention cannot be speculated for the purpose of restriction of use of these principles and norms to the events taking place before the adoption of this document.

In 20 years after adoption of UN Convention on genocide the convention of the UN “About non-use of a limitation period to war crimes and crimes against humanity” on which the principle of inapplicability of limitation periods concerning military crimes and crimes against humanity irrespective of time of their implementation was adopted on November 26, 1968. This convention meant by “crimes against humanity” also the crime of genocide as it is formulated in UN convention on genocide.

Finally it is impossible to forget that consequences of the Armenian Genocide are still not overcome, and the Armenian people – the victims of this crime, continues to test its consequences, that is, it is about the continuing crime. Denialing policy of the Armenians Genocide on a national level by the modern Republic of Turkey and also implementation by the Turkish authorities of “cultural genocide” – destructions of historical and cultural heritage of the Armenian people on its historical homeland – in the Western Armenia, is continuation of genocidal policy of its predecessor – the Ottoman Empire. In this case the question of retroactive application of provisions of the Convention of the UN on genocide in general disappears.