Category Archives: CORNERSTONES


Siranush G. Hovhannisyan


The article focuses on the connection between the objective reality, inner world of a person and linguistic system of signs. It presents how a person starts to recognize the real world, how a sensual world comes into existence in a person. Accordingly, we differentiate three types of human existence – perceptional, intellectual and physical. It is shown how the outer world is reflected in the inner world of a person and how it is designated. It is underlined that the part of a person’s existence which becomes complete due to perceptional existence is mainly designated by means of nonlinguistic signs. A linguistic sign is conditional when it has the mission of naming a big and continually growing feeling. Such an emotional experience may be designated also by a motivated sign, which will not be a linguistic sign any more. All the linguistic signs have only one nonlinguistic synonym – silence. Thus, we can conclude that on the one hand the continuously growing feeling can be estranged by adjusting to the corresponding linguistic sign and on the other hand it can be estranged by the one and only nonlinguistic synonym – silence. In the last case the appointer of the linguistic segment being estranged is quite reasonable.


Text, Narrative, Interpretation


Albert A. Stepanyan
The paper deals with the fundamental aspects of historical study and writing. The focus of them makes the personality of the historian being involved in cultural texts of the present and past. His dialogue with the «voices» of different epochs is one of the main components of historical reflection. In its turn, it motivates the scope and essence of the «questioning» of the past and opening the way to overpassing the imaginative ambiguity of the past and memory. This makes the real start of historical investigation comprising the activity of the historian from the verification of historical facts to their clustering in textual and narrative units. Only in this consequence, the interpretation of single events and large historical blocks are possible. They open the content and essence of history. And the historian gains ability of answering the fundamental questions of his investigation formulated far back by Herodotus – how, when, and why?


In the context of “Great repatriation” and international experience


Lusine. A. Gevorgyan
At present the Republic of Armenia is facing a number of serious migratory challenges, the first of which is the migration of the Armenians from the country at a rapid pace. Taking into account the situation, the Republic of Armenian should take steps to slow down the paces of migration and pave the way for the opposite process – repatriation.

To find the proper resolution for the following main issues, some adjustments should be made in the relevant laws of the RA, moreover, it is necessary to make some structural changes in the corresponding organs of the RA, which would help to clarify the functional responsibilities of each and to ensure fair and honest activity.


On the trajectory of Kh. Abovyan’s romantism and literary movements of the 19th century


Souren D. Danielian
Romantic direction had composed the first stage and had prepared successive process periods in the sources of Armenian new and newest literature. In this article substantiates the exclusive role of Khachatur Abovian in the first steps of Armenian new literature, for his this literature is the expression of romantic breath, the impact of imagination and reality, establishment of ideals. Due to Khachatur Abovian the way of Armenian literature new way we named Abovianian. To collect in different times the attitude and displaying of Armenian and Russian literary mention (Nshan Mouradian, Arsen Terterian, Arshak Chopanian, Sergey Sarinian, Hrand Tamrazian, Eduard Jrbashian, Viktor Vanslov, Andrey Dmitriev and others) to realism and romanticism, we have concluded that the gradual changes of literature have been in the spotlight of possession of romanticism. Khachatur Abovian (in the 19th century, first half), Petros Dourian (the end of 60’s of 19th century and beginning of 70’s), Raffi (70-80’s of 19th century) and Daniel Varoujan (beginning of 20th century) were theoretical ground for separate literature movements and periodical forms. And their creative achievements, as a matter of fact, were become the basis for the development of Armenian New Literature main periods. We have tried to establish that the strong conflict between romanticism and realism was the great stimulus for growing of Armenian Literature, his inseparable richness.


The poorness of Pierre Nora’s ”facts” against the law of criminalization of the Armenian Genocide’s denying


Armen Ts. Maruqyan

It is shown in the article that the arguments about the Jewish Shoah and unique nature of the “law of Geyso” of the eminent historian, founder and president of the organization “Freedom for history” Pierre Nora, who is involved in political manipulations against the acceptance of law of the criminalization of Armenian Genocide’s denying on January 23, 2012, are not able to stand against scientific criticism. If Nora is against “memorial laws”, then he must be also against “Law of Geyso”, in other case there is no difference between these two genocides.

As to the statement of Nora about the idea that the acceptance of “law of Geyso” was the moral duty of France, as that country had some role in the Jewish holocaust, then the policy of France after the I World War can prove that this country has the same moral duty also for the Armenian Genocide.

The point of view of Nora about the limitation of retroactive effect of laws only for Holocaust is directly contrary to the “United Nations’ Convention of November 26, 1968 about not to apply any the period of limitation over war crimes and crimes against humanity”. By this document the international law of not to apply the principle of time limitation for all cases without exception for the crimes, including the UN Convention on Genocide of 1948, was put into circulation.

To the misgivings of Nora to judge the past by the criteria of the present and to make the history of mankind become a history of genocides the author of the article indicated that, first, independently of the application of the definition of “genocide” the Armenian Genocide was qualified by the Entente powers, including France as a “crime against humanity”. Already in 1915 what happened with the Armenians was considered a crime, based on the Convention of Hague in 1899 about “laws and customs of war” and particularly, on the “spirit of the laws of humanity” of Martens’ reservation, that is, it was estimated to be a crime only based on the existing international legal norms.

In addition, in accordance with the United Nations Convention of 1948 about the “Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”, to qualify a massacre as a genocide it is necessary to prove that the intention of the organizers of this crime has been to completely or partially destroy the group as such. It is shown in the article that this provision is equally applicable to both the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust cases.


The problem of hierarchization of genocides according to Pierre Nora


Smbat Kh. Hovhannisyan
The article is an attempt to analyze in general outline and by some main accents Pierre Nora’s concept about the bill of criminalization of Armenian genocide’s denial in France. On one hand it is considered in the overview of his theory about “memory and history” and on the other hand – in the general overview of theories about history and memory.
It’s notable that P. Nora makes reasonable connections between the idea of freedom and the freedom of history (consequently also historiography), where this principle is very important and perspective. Though, some of his approaches impede the structural discussion concerning memory and commitment. First of all, we mean not only the weakness of his arguments on the bill of criminalization of Armenian genocide’s denial, but also the denial of the genocide as history, moreover, the contrasting of Armenian genocide with Holocaust and the determination of gradation between them, even in the case when Armenians were not only subjected to Genocde in 1915, but also to Patricide (depatriated).



Gagik. S. Galstyan
The article is an attempt to estimate K. Marx’s economic theory. The following statements are defined for this purpose: First – which were the real goals of Marx; Second – to which extent the categories constructed and implemented by Marx are realistic; Third – the possibility to implement the Marxist theory in solving economic and social problems of modern society.


Outlines of Legal and Political Substantiations


Armen Ts. Marukyan
Until today, in the struggle for the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, the Armenian people have only been able to secure the adoption of resolutions recognizing or condemning the Armenian Genocide by the parliaments of different countries or international organizations. It is important to note, however, that this strategy is no longer productive because it cannot guarantee the final resolution of the issue. For this very reason, it is necessary to change the strategy and moving forward, take the struggle toward the issue of overcoming the consequences of the Armenian Genocide, which in and of itself assumes not only the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide, but also restitution for the crime committed, which is probably the most important issue and without which recognition and condemnation become meaningless. Prior to taking any steps in this regard, corresponding Armenian and Diasporan structures and experts must first of all create the first large strategic document, «The consequences of the Armenian Genocide and the historical-legal basis of the package of demands to be presented to Turkey,» where it will be clearly registered what the Armenian people understand by saying the consequences of the Armenian Genocide and which demands they are preparing to present to Turkey. Based on the package of demands that will be developed including also the strategic application of the document, «Concept for overcoming the consequences of the Armenian Genocide,» where the methods and mechanisms will be outlined, which will make it possible to achieve the eradication of the abovementioned consequences. Differing from the Package of Demands, the Concept must not be public, but rather it should be closed, with limited utilization in order not to have previous knowledge of the contents to prevent any of the steps to be taken in this regard.


After the Failure of the Soviet Experience


Khachik S. Der Ghugassian
The article proposes a critical look at the different ideological understandings and experiences of socialism after the fall of the Soviet Union and the failure of the historical experience of the so-called “Real Socialism” and the building of a Communist future for humanity. It starts analyzing the post-Cold War dominant paradigm of the “End of History,” which paradoxically sustains the forthcoming of a de-ideologized world but assumes the guiding role of a one unique model of political and economic development. The article then compares the “right-turn” of European Social-Democracy with the rise of the center-left in Latin America highlighting the crisis of the first and the reasons of the re-emergence of the latter within a clear engagement with democracy instead of praising, as in the past, revolutionary utopias. In Latin America, we are witnessing democracy opening the way to socialism. Based upon the comparative analysis of Europe and Latin America, the study concludes with a broad reflection about the perspective of a socialist reformulation in the Eurasian continent. Thus, it sustains that the pursuit of a socially just order in former Soviet countries should aim at the strengthening of a middle-class and civil society to start de-centralizing power and wealth concentration and system change instead of aspiring to become government.



Marieta K. Nikoghosyan

In 1847, suggesting the idea of ‘‘Sciences about the Spirit‘‘ as a characterization of the second half of the intellectual globe, W. Dilthey aimed to formulate the standards of a scientific character typical for the humanities. He sustained that the problem was of theoretical-gnosiological nature, that is to say, everything made by Kant in the sense of natural sciences, must be repeated in regard to the humanities.

However, during his research Dilthey found that the problem couldn’t be solved with the help of the method applied by Kant, as the theoretical-gnosiological interpretation he had extended an analysis to was a single whole of the “human” and the “human world.” In this case the approach has changed: instead of the “human being as a recognized subject and his intellect” such notions as “fully fledged person,” “universality of human nature,” “totality of human life,” became the points of departure. Dilthey interpreted this concept by intertwining hermeneutics with the philosophy of life. Later hermeneutics was broadened by Dilthey, not as a simple research of texts but as a methodology of humanities and sciences about the spirit. That is to say, it was a theory with the help of which the humanities were founded. Dilthey studied the history of the origin of hermeneutics and formulated it as a method of past cultural interpretation, based on the reproduction of the investigated epoch of “spiritual life.”

Finally his considerable contribution was the cultivation of the philosophical bases of the humanities, concept margin and “sensible sociology.” Dilthey also formulated such gnosiological problems, as how the experience and gnosiology of the individual could be raised to the level of historical experience. Owing to the theory of Dilthey, the main issue of hermeneutics was defined; its further evolution was developing in the direction of obtaining the status of hermeneutical philosophy and cultivation of conceptions.