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Aleksandr S. Manasyan

Key words – the Karabakh conflict, ethnopolitical confict, own legal basis of the problem, the problem of the legality of the Republic of Azerbaijan, legitimacy of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

A century has passed since the issue of the conflict between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan was included in the international political agenda. The conflict began in 1918, when the Turkish army invaded Baku, removed the legitimate authorities and established Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR). The latter made unreasonable territorial claims, including the historical province of Armenia Nagorno-Karabakh (NK). Before this conflict there was not and could not be such a conflict, since in Transcaucasia there was neither a state with the name of Azerbaijan nor a people with such an ethnonym. First, with the support of the Turks, and then of the Englishmen who entered the region, ADR tried to subordinate NK by force. The problem took the form of an armed confrontation. Congresses of plenipotentiary representatives of NK population rejected these claims and declared NK as an integral part of the Republic of Armenia. A question that took the form of an international conflict was included in the agenda of the League of Nations. The struggle of the people of the NK for their reunion with Armenia was not pursued in the new geopolitical conditions, when the Bolshevik Russia returning to Transcaucasia forcibly included the NK in the borders of Soviet Azerbaijan with the status of broad autonomy. The NagornoKarabakh Autonomous Region was formed as a form of Soviet statehood. In the continuation of the uninterrupted struggle of the Artsakh Armenians in 1988, the Karabakh movement began to demand the reunion of the region with Soviet Armenia.

During the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the Republic of Azerbaijan (AD) adopted a Declaration on the Restoration of the State of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan (existed in 1918-1920) and refused to be the legal successor of Soviet Azerbaijan based on the laws of the USSR and the principles of international law, deputies of all levels of the Soviets of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous District and the adjacent Armenian-populated Shaumyan district have proclaimed the independence of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR).

Baku again took the strategy of a forceful solution of the problem. The conflict entered a new phase. The resolution of the problem, which took the form of an international armed conflict, turned out to be under the auspices of the OSCE.

The international experience in the settlement of such conflicts suggests that it is appropriate to divide the documents of the two types in the legal grounds of the problem by placing them in different packages. The first package may include documents on the problem, accepted by the parties to the conflict and recognized by the competent authorities for them.

The second package is the documents adopted by international institutions that have taken care of the settlement of the problem.

The first package documents are separated in the article as their own legal basis. The analysis of the article shows that there is no document in the legal grounds of the issue that could make the legitimate claims of the modern Azerbaijan towards Nagorno-Karabakh.



Vanik H. Virabyan

Key words – Turkey; Armenia; special services; Georgia; military representative; attaché; council; spy; Transcaucasia; Yerevan; Emergency committee.

After the declaration of cease fire between the Armenian republic and Turkey in November,1920, the representation of the Command of Eastern Front of Turkey’s Grand National Assembly that had political functions was formed in Yerevan.It continued to operate also after the establishment of Soviet system until September 1923 when the consulate was reorganized. Turkish consulate service also existed in Alexandrapol which started to operate after the compulsory withdrawal of Turkish army. Here, too, Turkish consulate was conducting spy- corrosive activity. RSFRS’s Soviet reconnaissance bodies in Transcaucasia were interested in revealing Turkey’s operations. It’s important to state that the representation of Turkish consulate operated especially more indecently during anti-Soviet rebellion in February 1921 headed by ARF. During that period Soviet-Turkish talks were underway where Armenia had great part in issues under discussion: there was also the issue of ASSR’s participation in the conference. The comparison of the facts shows that the creation of chaotic and messy situation in Armenia was beneficial for Turkey and its special services. Thus, Kemal’s Turkey by taking advantage of its representation in Armenia’s territory conducted spy- corrosive activity through his consulate service and spy-agent network swarming around it , that’s why both Soviet Armenian and Russian reconnaissance bodies during 1920-1922 took some countermeasures. Namely, Russia created its agent network in Armenia with which perhaps the Armenian Soviet reconnaissance services coordinated their actions. Turkish consulate representation that acted in Soviet Armenia often violated the rules, its officials assaulted Armenia’s security which made the Armenian government undertake tough measures against Turkish representation. All these factors made Soviet Armenia and Expert’s Committee of Foreign Affairs declare the representative of Turkish government in Yerevan Bahhadin as persona non grata (a person who doesn’t enjoy grace) and on this basis the latter was dismissed from the council’s office. Thus, reconnaissance data obtained by ASSR’s special services states that Turkish-Azerbaijani plottings continued after Armenia’s Sovietization. They elucidate Turkey’s and Azerbaijan’s objectives to undermine the security of Soviet Armenia through spy- corrosive activity.



Gegham M. Asatryan

Key words – Makravank, 9-11th centuries cross-stones, earlykhachkars, simplicity, Kotayk’s artistic style, “Hrazdan type” of cross stones, “Annie style”.

There are numerous cross-stones in different stages of preservation throughout the territory of the complex of Makaravank located in the north-west ofKotayk’sregional center, Hrazdan. Early cross-stones date back to the 9-11th centuries. They, along with the patterns of general cross-stone art development, still have certain peculiarities and thus, since 9-11th centuries have been the basis for the “Hrazdan type” of cross-stones, which dates back to the twelfth century and is older than the other, i.e., “Geghard type” formed in Kotayk. They have playedunique role in establishing it, as well asin the separation from the early cross-stones,that is, the cross-stone of 959 AD, which is a separate set of crossstone school in two neighboring provincesof Kotayk and Aragatsotn.There are also several other early cross-stones as well as the cross-stone of 1039, which, as we found out is a cross-stone of “Annie style”. The latter clearly allows us to conclude that this style had not gone beyond the central parts of Kotayk.



Rouben-Prepared by Aram S. Saiyan

The rebellion of Ararat in 1926-1930 isn’t sufficiently studied both in world, Soviet and especially Armenian historical science. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of sources, as well as, the lack of Armenian translation of studies done in foreign languages, especially in Turkish and Kurdish languages.

All this is supplemented by a spacious letter from the prominent figure of the Armenian liberation war, Minister of Defense and Military Forces of the First Republic Rouben (Minas Ter-Minasian).The note entitled “Kurdish Case in Persia” is preserved in the 64th file’s first list of 1048 fund in Armenian National Archive: it’s a detailed report consisting of 34 pages written in the exercise-book and is addressed to ARF’s Bureau. In it Rouben speaks about his special mission carried out in Persia for supporting Ararat’s rebellion. In report the events that took place in spring of 1930, i.e. the process of organizing the Kurdish tribes against the Turks, the military proceedings, as well as, the rebellion’s defeat and the clashes taking place afterwards in some provinces of West Armenia are described in detail.



Hagop M. Tcholakian

Key words – Hambushie village; Aramo villege, Lattakia’s region; villages with Armenian population; Catholicos Mkhitar Garnertsi; tower; lithography, lithographic fragment; bridge, fountain, stone-cutter rooms.

The article presents the content of Armenian migration in the Middle Ages in northern-western regions of Syria and speaks about the lithographic record drawn up at upper stone door of the tower of Hambushie by the Catholicos of Mkhitar Garnertsi, which complete copy has come to us by Zakaria vartabed of Zumurnia. Now, the village is completely cleared of the Armenians. The tower is completely destroyed and at the same in this area the mentioned lithographic fragment has been found on the wall of one of the houses built in the middle of the 20th century. Other Armenian relic of antiquity such as rocks, bridges, fountains is presented.



Ruben H. Melkonyan

Key words – Young Turks; Kemalists; non-Muslim minorities; Lausanne; Greek citizens living in Istanbul; discriminative policy; monoethnic Turkey; Ecumenical Patriarchate of Costantinople; Cyprus; deportation.

It՛s widely known that the history of Ottoman Empire is full of examples of state persecutions, discrimination, massacres and genocides against Christians. The aspirations to create monoethnic, that is Turko-Islamic state became more obvious during the government of the Young Turks. The same policy was adopted by the authorities of the Republic of Turkey established in 1923. This fact can be explained by following circumstances. First of all, Turkish state had already become instiutionally hostile against all non-Turkish nations. Besides, the majority of the founders of Turkey were former Young Turks, the bearers of nationalist ideology. However, there are specialists, including the Turks, who bring the period of governmenr of Young Turks even up to 1960 and ascribe some elements of young Turkizm to the Democratic Party which was in power in 1950-60s. Main periods of the policy of discrimination against non-Muslim minorities in the history of Turkish Republic were: 1. Exchange but in reality exile of Greeks in 1923 2. The “20 classes” draft in 1941 3. “Tax of Wealth” in 1942 4. Pogroms of 6-7 September 1955. However, the comparison of facts shows that the last and one of the most important links of this chain was the exile of the Greeks from Istanbul in 1964 which is not sufficiently examined yet. On March 16,1964 the government of Turkey officially stated that it unilaterally considered invalid the agreement signed between Turkey and Greece in 1930. This meant the emergence of legal basis for exile of the Greek citizens living in Turkey. At that time nearly 12.500 Greek citizens were living in Turkey. All of them were condemmed to exile. However deportation of these 12500 people meant inclusion of much more wide masses as they were connected by marital and family ties with the Greeks, citizens of Turkey. Exile of the Greeks in 1964 became the important stage of consecutive politics of ethnic purges in Turkey.


Naira Zh. Mkrtchyan
The ideas of emancipation (or liberation) and closely related emancipatory (or liberation) struggle are widely articulated in the discourses concerning social and national, as well as, local and global issues. What opportunities are opened for these ideasin some contexts, what opportunities do they make available in terms of formulation of problems and modulation of themesare questions which certainly need more detailed and empirical researches for each case separately. Here is the consideration of Armenian case, as the ideas of emancipation (or liberation) and related emancipatory (or liberation) struggle are among the most articulated ones in Armenian discursive reality at least of the last two centuries. Most probably it will shed light on how that reality has been constructed and actually operating.



Davit S. Gyurjinyan

Key words – Armenian community, collective names, collective noun, real collective nouns, Armenians, Armenian people, Armenians of Diaspora.

The article studies the words (collective nouns) of the Armenian language, meaning Armenian community, aggregate of Armenians, their collectivity, as an inseparable unit. The lexical units with the component հայ “Armenian” are analyzed: հայք and հա յեար “Armenians”, հա յո րեար “Armenians, their leaders, Armenian nobility”, հա յաս տան (ազգ) “Armenian people”, հա յաս տա նեայք “residents of Armenia”, հա յութ յուն “Armenians, Armenian people”, հա յա գունդ “Armenian regiment”, հա յաբ նա կութ յուն “Armenian population”, etc. The time of formation of these collective names is revealed, special attention is paid to their first uses (since the 5th century). Special attention is paid to the formations with the last component հա յություն “Armenians” (ար ևե լա հա յութ յուն “Eastern Armenians, Armenians of Eastern Armenia”, արևմ տա հա յութ յուն “Western Armenians, Armenians of Western Armenia”, գա վա ռա հա յութ յուն “Armenians of provinces”, սփյուռ քա հա յութ յուն “foreign Armenians, Armenians from Diaspora”, ֆրան սա հա յութ յուն “Armenians, living in France”, etc.). Lexical units are analyzed from different sides (meaning, structure, variability, wordformative significance, frequency of use), their lexicographical processing is studied, the lexico-semantic links with other words of the Armenian language are indicated.



Tatevik H. Merjanyan

Key words – suicide, psychoanalysis, introspection, psychology, lifestyle, will qualities, self-revelation, epistolary novelette, hagiography, intertextuality.

The aim of the given publication is to study and evaluate the epistolary novelette by Nar-Dos “An na Saroyan”. Here the most interesting thing is that in this considered work the author observes psychologically deep and divergent phenomenon. In the study the philosophical idea of suicide is crucial. It concludes that Nar-Dos has directly spoken about the turbulences taking place in person’s introspective world that have little or almost nothing to do with the outer circumstances.



Sose B. Poghosyan

Key words – The School of Ashugh’s (troubadours) of Nor Jugha; ashugh(troubadour); theimage pattern cliché; love songs; blazon songs; medieval poem; ode; medley poem.

The aim of this article is to study the forms of manifestation of the theme of love in the Iranian- Armenian school of ashughs (troubadours) of Nor Jugha. As troubadours’ literature assumes, the literary conception of love here is quite crucial. Ashughs’ characters and functions come to confirm the real perception of ‘Ashugh” term, which is amorous singer. The latter is determined as a multilateral artist, who is both the author and the performer of his songs. Woman is worshiped as the object of love. The act of loving was in itself ennobling and refining one, the means to the fullest expression of whichwere potentially fine and elevated in human nature. Woman gradually gets revived and by gaining voice and character, becomes the part in that love game.

A special notice has been paid to the “Ashugh” word etymology. Its manifestations and functional meaning in different in nations’ languages that had examined Ashughs’ heritage. The theoretical part is based on the carols of famous troubadours such as GhulEgazi, BagherOghli, Amir Oghli, GhulHovhannessi, QeshishOghli and HartunOghli. The author has observed the expression of the classic contributions and image patterns in the love poems of ashughs, has emphasized the presence of the original manifestations, through which the role of the first Armenian school of ashugh’s in Nor Jugha in the context of the literary- cultural life of the 17- 18th centuries has been valued.