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Yervand H. Grekyan

Key words – cuneiform, palaeography, Urartian monumental script, Urartian cursive, scribal school, Assyro-Mitannian, Middle Assyrian, Neo-Assyrian, periphery.

The discovery of the first known Urartian school text in Ayanc‘ (Ayanis), near Van city stimulates to discuss again not only the hypothesis of the existence of schools in Urartu, but also the problem of the origins of Urartian scribal and literary culture in general. The results of the present study allow to find out formulae, which are typical for the Middle Assyrian annalistic texts of the 2nd half of the II millennium BC, as well as a number of cuneiform sign forms, which, in contrary to the contemporary Neo-Assyrian texts, occur only in the Urartian cuneiform inscriptions of the IX-VII centuries BC. These facts allow to develop again the theory, according to which Urartian scribal school had roots in the cuneiform culture of the 2nd millennium BC, perhaps, through the intermediary of a ‘peripheral center’ in the southern parts of the Armenian Highland, which continued to keep the traditions of the Middle Assyrian scribal school, at least, at the beginning of the I millennium BC.



Sargis G. Petrosyan

Key words – mythology, cult, Sevan, frog, Mother goddess, Thunder god, “vishap” (“dragon”), trout, bull, toponym, ethnonym.

The cult of the Lake Sevan is closely in touch with the worship of Water because in mythological imagines of the Armenians’ ancestor sliving in the regions surrounding Sevan, this lake was perceived as a mythical a quatic creature having the form of a huge creature. At the same time the river Hrazdan, that starts from the Lake Sevan, is perceived as that mythical creature’s long tongue. Accordingly river’s popular name Zangumeans ‘’tongue’’: compared with arm. zangik’’epiglottis, clapper’’ (<I.-E. *dņģhū). In Sevan’s basin Urartian there are cuneiform records certifyingtoponymsof Indo-European etymology as Arquqiu(ni),Ištikuniu, Kamaniu, Adaḫu(ni), Liqiu, Lueru(ḫi), Gurqumeli, Tuliḫu. In the Lake Sevan’s basin there are ‘’vishap’’ obelisks some of which are fishlike and some are bull like. The first ones arerelated to the mythological ‘’Trout’’ worship and the second ones – to the worship of God of Thunder. Gelam, that was the eponym of the ancient Sevan basin’s tribes was also the personification of the mouth Gel (Գեղ. ‘’big, large’’<I.-E. *ṷel-). His mythological prototype was the local tribes’God of Thunder (compare with Urart. Teišeba).



Mariam M. Margaryan

Key words – state, sovereignty, statehood, historism, constitution, constitutionalism, ruling elite, person, society.

The article researches the issue of multidimensionality of sovereignty in the process of formation of the new world order. The imperative of heredity of the state sovereignty is proved as a factor of nation-state power. In this context historism is researched as a component of evolutionary modernization of sovereignty. The author is convinced that historism, including historical memory, is also an active constructive process of analysis and choise of the past. Simultaneously historism is viewed as a process of recovery of information flows, in the framework of which political time provides maximal viability and competitiveness. The notion of “choise of the past” is suggested, which on rational level allows recalling from the historical memory the part, the further generation of which will provide both viability and competitiveness with simultaneous filtering of information noise. The author is convinced that in the conditions of the new world order the process of providing of complex security should be based on three-dimensional connection past-present-future of the three Armenian republics.



Sargis R. Melkonyan

Key words – Garegin Hovsepyan, Garegin catholicos, Garegin I., Holy Ēǰmiacin, Catholicosate of Cilicia, Antelias, Gevorkyan Theological Seminary, University of Leipzig, monothelitism, the Council of Karin, «Sasna Crer», national epos.

In February 2017 was celebrated the 150th anniversary of the outstanding Armenian art critic, armenologist, archaeologist, theologian, member of the brotherhood of St. Ēǰmiacin and Catholicos of the Great Hous of Cilicia in 1943-1952: Garegin I. Hovsepyan. Not many such people, about the life of which it’s possible to write a book, but exclusive ones, about individual parts of life which can be written several books. Catholicos Garegin belongs to these latters.

The history of the Armenian people of the first half of the 20th century without his name is inconceivable. By his activities he was always there, where the Armenian people needed him. From the church altars to the fronts of wars, from archaeological excavations to libraries, from different centers of the Armenian diaspora on the historic See of Cilicia. Here is the outline, on which it’s possible to describe the biography of the blessed Catholicos. On this basis we can say, that it’s impossible to present the all activity of Garegin Hovsepyan in one article. Therefore we decited to write separate articles about for different periods of his life and activities: his study period (1877-1897), when he was archimandrit-vardapet (1897-1917), bishop (1917-1943) and catholicos (1943-1952).

In the frst part of our work, which is published here, we investigated the long 20 years of student life of Garegin Hovsepyan. His studies began in 1877 from the monastic school of Amaras. After several months of study here in 1878 he moved to the Theological Academy of Shushi and studied here until 1881. At that time it was the central school of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Church.

In the life of the future Catholicos everything has changed when his father received a letter from Gevorkyan Theological Seminary of the Holy Ēǰmiacin. By this letter Hovsepyan was given the opportunity to continue his studies in Ēǰmiacin. The reason for this proposal was a letter of the father of Garegin Hovsepyan addressed to the Catholicos Gevork IV. In this letter he asked to receive his sone to the Theological Seminary.

Garegin Hovsepyan studied in Ēǰmiacin in 1882-1890. At that time he had the opportunity to listen to the lessons of the most outstanding Armenian teachers of the second half of the 19th century. In 1889 he became one of the first students of the Gevorkyan Theological Seminary, who wanted to join the brotherhood of Holy Ēǰmiacin and took monastic vows. Even in his student years, Garegin Hovsepyan showed interest in science and in studies recent years he published several scientific articles in the journal “Ararat”. But his serious scientific works were two folklore works: “Sasmay Crer” (Սասմայ Ծռեր) and “P’shrank’ner zhoghovrdakan banahyusut’yunits” (Փշրանքներ ժողովրդական բանահյուսությունից) published in Tiflis in 1892 and 1893. With these works he made several new discoveries in the field of Armenian folkloristics.

Garegin Hovsepyan graduated with honors from the Gevorkyan Theological Seminary and in 1892 was sent to Germany to continue his studies, especially in the field of theology. There he studied at the universities of Berlin, Leipzig and Halle-Saale from the famous German theologians of the late of 19th and early 20th centuries. In Germany in addition to theoretical theology he also studied practical theology. For this he as a volunteer lived in Charity Hospital “Bethel” in Bielefeld for about three months and practically studied diakonia. On the basis for this in the journal “Ararat” Hovsepyan has published series of articles the “Church and care for the poor”, which became the first scientific work of the Armenian theologian in the field of practical theology. His studies in Germany Garegin Hovsepyan graduated in 1897 with the degree of Doctor of Sciences. His doctoral work was called “The history of the emergence of monothelitism” (Die Entstehungsgeschichte des Monotheletismus), which was published in 1897 in Leipzig. In this article, for the first time we analyze the individual parts of this work, which is still the only monograph in the Armenian scientific environment about the problem of monothelitism in 7th century.



Mihran A. Minassian

Key words – Armenian Genocide, Syrian Desert, Pap, Meskene, 1915-1916, epidemics, murders.

Publication presents the previously unpublished memoirs of Hovhannes Khacherian, the survivor of the Armenian genocide from Bardizag. The author gives detailed description of the treatment of Armenians in the concentration camp at Pap settlement in Syrian deserted areas at the end 1915 and the beginning of 1916. He describes misery and death reigning there, then gives description of his journey from Pap to Meskene and of the numerous corpses he had seen on his way.

Pap is considered as one of the largest cemeteries of the Armenian nation, where during the years of the Armenian Genocide about 80-100,000 Armenian deportees died as a result of epidemics and unbearable living conditions imposed by the Ottoman empire.

Introductory survey about the Armenian concentration camp at Pap, as well as, numerous explanatory notes are provided.

The History of Armenian periodicals. 1920-1922, volume 2, Yerevan, Institute of History NAS RA, 2017, 787 pages. – 2018-1


David V. Petrosyan

Key words – Eastern-Armenian press, Western-Armenian press, historical-analytical method, research, structure, periodical press, thematic department, title, parties.

The review has considered a number of issues related to the content, structure and themes of the second volume of the recently published “History of Armenian Periodicals.” The work is noteworthy for clear structural divisions, a concept developed to represent the importance and significance of a largescale project.

Apart from referring to the well-known periodicals of Eastern and Western Armenians, the volume also represents and depicts in different chapters the Armenian press in the Armenian colonies (Egypt, France, Bulgaria, Iran, the USA) and parties, most of which are unknown to the reader.

Through the combination of general observations and specific descriptions typical for the historical – philological method, the book presents the complete picture of the Armenian press in the first two decades of the 20th century.



Anna E. Asatryan

Key words-local self-government bodies, city, economy, province, council, executive board, mayor, party, law, election..

Formation of local self-government bodies was of decisive importance for the creation and strengthening of the Republic of Armenia. On May 23, 1919, the RA government approved the laws “On the adoption of the city statute in several regions of the RA” and “On the establishment of land management in several regions of the RA”. The above-mentioned laws became the legal points on the basis of which local government elections were organized.

In 1918-1920, two self-governing bodies were formed in the Republic of Armenia – provincial and city governments, and members of these autonomous bodies were elected on the basis of democratic principles. Various political forces participated in the elections, but the majority of the council members were representatives of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun.

The provincial autonomies of Echmiadzin, Yerevan, Vagharshapat and Alexandropol were the most effective of the local self-government bodies.

The activity of the local self-government bodies was aimed at improving the socio-economic and educational life of the population. On the initiative of the autonomous executive bodies and departments, schools, libraries, hospitals, medical centers, pharmacies, shops, workshops, etc. were re-opened in Armenia.

The existence of local self-government bodies proves once again that Armenia was a state based on democratic values of this period.



Smbat Kh. Hovhannisyan

Key words – basic questions ; effective learning; modality of learning (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) ; studying styles; problematic situations; long-terme memory; short-terme memory; “pyramid of learning”.

The purpose of this study is to identify opportunities for creating favorable conditions for interactive communication and learning in an environment where students are actively involved in educational processes. The presentation of the lesson via PowerPoint is carried out in multi-line format. Unlike traditional linear presentation formats, this presentation format allows students to view events, epochs, etc. from numerous points of view.

Furthermore, when using a multiline format, one can group information into blocks, which further facilitates understanding of individual topics and establishing links between them. Visualization with PowerPoint allows both the teacher and the student to freely choose information. Thus, it is extremely important to keep a balance between the three key learning objectives (persuasion, information and motivation).



Tigran M. Petrosyants

Key words – Zakare B.; Zakaryan; Ayrarat province; viceroyalty; Vache A; capital Amberd; amira; commander-executor; hedjub; servicemen; vicegerent;adviser; village chief(s) ; tax collector; messenger.

The administrative government reform was carried out and viceroyalties were formed in Zakaryan Armenia in the early 13th century. The creation of a new government structure presumed the application of new approaches. Courts were also established in viceroyalties: they were formed on the principle of the Zakaryan house. The courts of viceroyalties were the copy of Zakare B’s court. One of the newly created viceroyalties was formed on the territory of the liberated Ayrarat province and handed over to military commander Vache A Vachutyan. The viceroyal had the high title of Prince of Princes headed the hierarchy of the government of the Ayrarat viceroyalty. The viceroyal called himself the Grand Prince, the prince of princes, the paron, the lord, while he called his possessions “princedom” and “viceroyalty”. Other levels of the hierarchy were occupied by the local princes. The Amira, the commander-executor, the Hedjub, the servicemen, the adviser, the village chief(s), the tax collector and the messenger were considered as the highest-ranking officials at the viceroyal’s court. On the basis of the preserved materials the palace hierarchy of the Ayrarat viceroyalty is presented in the article.



Ashot N. Hayruni

Key words – Karen Jeppe; Urha; Aleppo; Genocide (Mets Yeghern) ; League of Nations; Johannes Lepsius; German Eastern Mission; liberation of the kidnapped Armenians

For the first time the present article fully covers the pro-Armenian activity of the great humanist, a Danish missionary Karen Jeppe. The activity started in 1903 and was spread in various directions: solicitude for orphans and widows, support to deported Armenians during the Genocide, liberation of Armenian children and women captivated in Muslim homes and harems, provision of material and moral support to thousands of Armenian refugees gathered in Aleppo, as well as a creation of new settlements in Syria for refugees and liberated Armenians and so on. Jeppe dedicated her entire life to the rescue efforts, which had invaluable significance for the salvation of thousands of Armenians. The salvation included an entire range of work including medical care, education, and upbringing. Jeppe gave great importance to the fact that liberated Armenians could live independently and at the same time have a worthy place in the Armenian national-collective life. Therefore, she created all possible conditions for them to receive not only targeted education and upbringing but also to obtain some specialization. The article, which for the first time puts into scientific circulation many valuable sources simultaneously provides important information about other people and organizations that contributed to rescue activities undertaken by Jeppe.