Category Archives: APPENDIX

NIKOGHOS SARAFYAN: the conquest of the epic barrier – 2015-1


Souren D.Danielian

Key words – Nikoghos Sarafian, Diaspora Armenian literature, French Armenian poet, epic artistic mention, existential thinking, procession, remembrance of blood, journey, creative reflux and tide, “paper helmet”.

Diasporan Armenian poet and novelist Nikoghos Sarafian just recently finds the way to native reader, though there have been made some experiences to appropriate him before (Gegham Sevan, Vazgen Gabrielian, Artհur Andranikian and others).

Forty and more years after death, Nikoghos Sarafian hardly, but entirely can conquer artistic barrier in the field of epic poetry, with his poetic books, competing with Yeghishe Charents, Harut Kostandian, Vahan Tekeyan and other Armenian giant poets.

In our research we have examined characteristic of Sarafian’s poetry, tried to give new interpretation to his artistic recognition. We tried to evaluate the deep attention of literary critics of Diaspora towards Nikoghos Sarafian, that is typical to Harutyun Kyurkjian, Grigor Pyltian and others.


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary


Hayk A. Hambardzumyan

The poetry of Hamo Sahyan is characterized as a phenomenon of modern Armenian literature, as multifaceted and up to the end incomprehensible thing. He began the writing in the late 1930’s, and than become famous during the Second World War. His amazing poems are about his native land, and about the people who live and work in harmony with nature.

The poetic motives of harmony between nature and man, images and metaphors of the animated nature are implemented in all Sahyan’s books from “On the banks of the Vorotan” (1946) to the last published book “Dno’t think that I’m missing” (1998).

Inspired by the Armenian folklore, using the depictive means of folk poetry, H. Sahyan had created a amazingly beautiful and the deep poetic images of the world, country and the natural man, who was estranged from nature and forgot his roots, but dreams of a return to mother nature and his forgotten essence.


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Hovhannes Shiraz


Samvel P. Muradyan

The article is devoted to the 100th anniversary of one of Armenian classic poets – Hovh. Shiraz and briefly represents his literary path and merits. This prolific lyricist of exceptionally imaginative thinking and deep Lebensphilosophie (philosophy of life) is presented in the context of literary life of the 19301980’s. The work of Hovh. Shiraz is considered as one of the greatest manifestations of Armenian poetic mind. With the help of his poems and other compositions praising and glorifying such values as love, beauty, life, mother and homeland, as well as condemning the Genocide, Hovh. Shiraz wove one of the most vivid and meaningful pages common to all Armenians, which is going to illuminate the path of generations.



Gevorg S. Khudinyan
The article is subject to review the main phases of proposal and prosecution by Simon Zavaryan concerning the idea – principle of nation’s moral rebirth. It is shown that the idea was proposed at two levels: first, implantation of heroic idea and creation of honest, courageous and militant moral image of Armenian by propaganda and hard work within their party and second, the nation’s moral rebirth idea–principle’s application in the name of healthy and vibrant nation’s formation embodying the moral qualities of the Armenian people.

It is scientifically proven that Zavaryan’s dream of the nation’s moral revival, which represented fully developed and at the same time strong individual, basing upon altruism, has not been implemented in a politically unstable period of the 20th century and remained at the level of ideological minority, who founded the Armenian statehood. The paper presents the features of Armenians as Zavaryan outlined them, which could be exemplary in our time.



Ala A. Kharatyan
The article is devoted to the image appreciation of well-known figure in western-Armenian literature AR Federations member Simon Zavaryan. The article is mainly about the literary interpretations of the western-Armenian writers who have managed to express their distress concerning the events taking place in the political life of that period, and it refers also the ideological questions, which could be realized in political life with the help of such persons. In this sense some parallels are drawn between the characters of Zavaryan’s literary works and him, as political figure.


Part II. Hovhannes Tumanyan and the ideological heritage of Simon Zavaryan


Susanna G. Hovhannisyan
In the early 20th century there was a strong need for people who would dedicate themselves to the Armenian culture, national liberation and struggle for life. And they didn’t keep waiting. Two of them were Tumanyan and Zavaryan, the greatest Armenians of that epoch, whose joint efforts for the prosperity of the national culture and ideological heritage were due to the similarity of their temper and moral values. The best documentation of their struggle and common attitude towards the issues of the Armenian studies is their correspondence, especially the letters of Zavaryan addressed to Tumanyan on May 27 and Septmber 22, 1913 (Charents Museum of Literature and Arts, N978), which have never been made public, as well as some other relating to the outstanding ARF figure (the letter of Arshak Papyan, Charents Museum of Literature and Arts, N966) which will also be presented to the society for the first time. They put a new slant on life and work of Zavaryan, and in particular on the history of his album’s creation entitled «Armenian and Armenia» or «Work of the Armenian», which is his research concerning the science of the country, some new details of Zavaryan’s scientific activity and the destiny of his research were also revealed in the letters.

The article presents a nationwide population response on the occasion of unexpected death of Zavaryan and his lively commemoration by the society. We have examined also two valuable articles of Tumanyan dedicated to Zavaryan – «Honest and Sincere» and «some character traits of Zavaryan», where the artist created the real and vivid image of Zavaryan, as a public figure and as just a human.

A so far unknown poem of Tumanyan, which was read in Berlin during the event dedicated to the memory Zavaryan is published for the first time.



Tereza S. Shahverdyan, Armen G. Haroutyunyan
Simon Zavaryan’s short-term pedagogical activities promoted within the framework of the Taron Education project held in 1909-1911 proves that having no special pedagogical education he displayed great organizational and managerial capabilities typical of a true theorist and sophisticated scholar, as well as a capacity to see something new. The distinguished thinker also displayed decorous pedagogical tact, smart and impartial exactingness.

S. Zavaryan could create lasting values of great significance in the field of pedagogy, ideas which are still actual and instructive. S. Zavaryan’s life itself may be considered a real sample of fair struggle for all intellectuals of today.


At the late 19th and early 20th centuries


Samvel S. Avetisyan
One of three founders of AR Federation – Simon Zavaryan was not only a social and political figure; he greatly contributed also to the development of the Armenian economic thought in the late 19th and early 20th century. He graduated from the one of the most eminent and democratic higher educational institutions – Petrovsky Agricultural Academy and engaged in affairs concerning agriculture in Caucasus, Zavaryan traveled all over Transcaucasia, especially in the provinces of Kutaisi, Yerevan and Yelizavetpol and in the region of Kars, he there examined the agriculture of the country and the life of the peasants, then he published series of valuable monographs and numerous scientific articles.

The following research is the first attempt to appreciate at its true value the scientific heritage of Simon Vratsyan, to explore the importance and currency of the ideas expressed in his works published in Russian and Armenian languages.

At present, even after one century, we can conclude due to the research/ examination of his scientific and social-political heritage that Zavaryan was revolutionary also in the sphere of agricultural economics and his propositions concerning the development of agriculture are very urgent and relevant nowadays.



Arthur S. Ghazaryan
The article is a brief reference to the positions of Simon Zavaryan (one of the founders of AR Federation) concerning social justice. Living and taking his activities at the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when on one part Armenia was under the pressure of the Ottoman Empire and on the other part under the pressure of tsarist Russia, Zavaryan was not only against feudalism, he was really struggling against feudalistic system.One of Zavaryan’s ideas was that the development of the individual person should go on without the distinction of the class of language. Favorable conditions should be created for the development of every single person. In his articles Zavaryan also mentioned the importance of the correlation of justice and personal property; he thought that the concentration of too much property prevents the development of the individual.

The article also presents the means and ways suggested by Zavaryan that will lead to a fair society: to the establishment of socialism.



Mkrtich D. Danielyan (Vanadzor)
In the article we have analyzed the Pre-ARF and National (Narodnical) period of S. Zavaryan’s activity, who was one the founders of Armenian Revolutionary Union and influential figure of Armenian National Liberty Movement. According to the contemporaries, memoires and newfound archive documents S. Zavaryan’s activity and his participation in national narodnical different organizations, work group and his connection with Russian Narodnical members are presented. In the article we have reference to Zavaryan’s gradual transition into the problems of national liberty movement, his evolution as national political activist and from national parties to one of AR Federation founders.